Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent
If you have room in your heart and home to make a commitment to children in need,
simply click below for more information.
Foster Parent Training Series 2025
1/18, 1/19, and 1/25
3/22, 3/23, and 3/29
5/10, 5/11, and 5/17
7/19, 7/20, and 7/26
9/20, 9/21, and 9/28
11/8, 11/9, and 11/15
Any sessions missed can be made up in a following training series.
Adoption & Kinship Care Training 2024
July 18 From 6:00 to 8:00 pm
September 19 From 6:00 to 8:00 pm
October 24 From 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Verification Process
Once you have completed the 45 to 90 day verification process, we will match the children referred to Foster Texas to fit their strengths and needs as closely as possible to your competencies and desires. A team of professionals will provide 24/7 support for you and the child(ren) placed in your home, and you will be reimbursed a per diem rate consonant with the level of care of services required. In-service training, required by state licensing standards and the distinctive needs of the child(ren) placed in your home, will be provided by Foster Texas or other approved resources or providers.
Steps to Becoming a Foster Texas Family
Attend an Orientation/information Meeting
Pass a Central Registry and Criminal Background Check
Pass a FBI Check
Complete 32 Hours of Training
Pass a Fire and Health Home Inspection
Provide Various Documents for your File
Pass a Home Study
General Foster Parent Requirements
· Responsible Healthy Adult (21+ yrs old)
· Stable Income
· Reliable Transportation
· Married or Single, Not Separated
· If Divorced, must be Divorced for
6 months or more
Still have a question about our services? Contact us now and we’ll get back to you ASAP.