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Myths About Teenagers in Foster Care

Every kid faces new challenges and joys once they become a teenager and grow into a young adult. We all have our own thoughts about teenagers in general, and the idea of fostering a teen can cause great concern. The reason for this may be that we don’t have all the facts, or what we thought we knew was all wrong. Let’s correct the misconceptions.

Myth 1:

Teens are placed in foster care because of something they have done.


In almost every case, the actions of the parents are the reason for them entering the foster care system. It is not because of something they have done. It may be due to a death in the family, parent mental illness, drug addiction, neglect or an unsafe home environment that results in a teen entering foster care.

Foster Teen - 5 Myths About Foster Teenagers - Foster Texas
Don't believe these myths about foster teenagers.

Myth 2:

All teens in foster care have serious behavioral problems.


It is true that some teens have previously had multiple foster care placements or have not had stable environments. What they really need, just like every other teen, are consistent adults in their lives providing them with structure, guidance, safety and love. Even if they don’t want to admit it. Due the lack of teen foster homes many teens are placed in group homes and, unfortunately do not receive this.

However, there are many stories of teens who, with a little structure and encouragement, are thriving and the direction of their lives changing forever.

Myth 3:

Because there are more babies in foster care due to the opioid crisis, there is not as much need for foster parents for teens.


While the public impression of foster care is changing due to the opioid crises, the adult support for teens has become even more urgent. As a result of not having enough foster parents for teenagers, states are often forced to place teens that could do well in a family into group homes.

Myth 4:

Teens in foster care are too old to have a positive influence on.


Previous foster care teens who have grown into successful adults, often point to one or two people that influenced them and helped them to become the person they are today.

When you think about your own teenage years, you can no doubt name a parent, teacher, or coach that had a tremendous influence on you. teens in foster care need someone to provide the same thing, and you might just be that someone to do that.

If you would like more information about foster care in Waco, Austin, Dallas, or Fort Worth, then contact us at Foster Texas. We would love to be able to guide you along the path to becoming a foster parent.


Gold in Every Story

Foster Texas provides Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship  Care Services to children in need in Austin, Waco, & Bryan, Texas.  
Foster Texas is a Child Placing Agency licensed by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
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