Adoption Assistance Program Benefits
· Medicaid health care coverage for the adopted child. This benefit assists with the child's medical and dental care, eye care, durable medical equipment and supplies, psychiatric/behavioral health care, and medical transportation.
· Reimbursement for certain one-time expenses relating to completing the adoption process (non-recurring adoption expenses). This benefit provides reimbursement up to $1,200 per adoption for reasonable and necessary adoption expenses directly related to completing the adoption process. These expenses may include fees paid directly to child placing agencies as well as court costs, attorney fees, and other fees directly related to the legal completion of the adoption.
· Monthly payments to assist with the child's needs. The monthly adoption assistance payments are determined based upon the child's special needs and the adoptive family's circumstances. Assistance is considered for the following types of special needs:
o Exceptional initial placement expenses.
o Special maintenance.
o Child care.
o Supportive educational needs.
o Maintaining sibling/other family contact.
o Routine maintenance when needed.
Post-Adoption Services
Adopted children who have been abused or neglected often need help coping with the effects of abuse and the loss of their birth family.
All families of children adopted through DFPS can get post-adoption services. This service is available to families along with Title IV-E and state-paid adoption subsidies from DFPS. After a child has been adopted, services are provided to help the child and family:
· Adjust to the adoption.
· Cope with any history of abuse of the child.
· Avoid permanent or long-term removal of children from the adoptive family setting.
Some of the services available are:
· Information and referral.
· Casework services and service planning.
· Parent groups.
· Parenting programs.
· Counseling services.
· Respite care.
· Residential placement services in critical need situations.
· Crisis intervention.
Availability of services is dependent on funding and the individual child and family situation.